Melodio for a nice coffee
Participating: Shimona M.
Start of the event
End of the event
Café Art&Coffe (located in ČNB passage), Na Příkopě 860, Praha 1

On Sunday 26th November, about 20 nice people gathered in the Art & Coffee café in Prague to attend the Melodio Foundation event. We had coffee and cake. And we listened to the amazing singing performed by Shimona and Anna Rakova.
The event was spiced up by the co-founder of Melodio Foundation Petr Mašek. With the help of videos and photos he presented us his experiences from his trip to Polynesia. It was the first of the evenings on the theme “dreams come true”.
During the event, we contacted Melodio client Romana Fricova by phone, who unfortunately could not attend the event. Anyone who was interested could purchase her 2 beautiful short stories on the spot to help pay for her personal assistance.
The meeting was a great success. I look forward to the next “Melodio on a nice coffee”.
Radek, NF Melodio client
Other organised events

2025 / Thursday
from 07:00 PM
Melodio for Alena and Jakub – BABA SHOW
Participating: Jana Rychterová a Shimona & Friends for Melodio charity fund
Theatre of Karel Hacker, Klapkova 26/3, Prague 8 (by the metro Kobylisy)

2025 / Tuesday
from 06:00 PM
Melodio for everyone - Melodio welcomes Spring!
Participating: Shimona & Friends for Melodio charity fund and guitarist David Fiedler, poet Jáchym Novotný
Kulturní centrum Velký mlýn, U Českých loděnic 40, 180 00, Prague 8-Libeň