Our new clients


“My name is Radek Halas, I come from Klatovy and I am blind. My interests are

walking, swimming, reading, listening to music or shows and radio games

and a cat cafe. I expect coaching to move me somewhere with my

thoughts and plans in the present and future. I look forward to coaching.”



In 2001, after graduating from high school, I had an accident that left me using a wheelchair. Since then, I’ve been studying, working, and trying to improve myself bit by bit.

Professionally, I’m involved in environmental education. Simultaneously, I guide people who are newly using a wheelchair due to spinal cord injuries as a so-called peer mentor. During my free time, I enjoy contemplation, attempting to learn the art of doing nothing, or at least slowing down, and engaging in both dry land and water-based activities, preferably in nature. An ideal day for me would have at least 30 hours to fit in everything I have planned.

I love the view from the window into the greenery, and one of my plans is a project to travel Europe by train from south to north (or vice versa).

I believe and hope that collaborating with a coach will help me broaden my horizons and perhaps discover new possibilities and talents.



“After two serious injuries, a fire and a car collision, I am in a wheelchair. I have quadriparesis, which is paralysis of the limbs. I suffer from incurable chronic pain, I also have a visual impairment and many other ailments. I am very active. I sing, play the keyboard, the neck and much more. I would like to prioritize my life with a coach and wish to process my childhood anxieties and traumas.”

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Find out about other clients on the “About Us” page


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Upcoming events

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2024 / Wednesday

from 07:00 PM

Melodio for Radek – marimba, vibraphone and drums – a unique experience

Participating: soloist Jakub Hřebíček and HAMU Percussion Ensemble and Shimona & Friends for Melodio

Gabriel Loci, Holečkova 106/10, Smíchov, Prague 5

1000x1000px LOGO Melodio na kafi 2024

2024 / Sunday

from 04:00 PM

Melodio for a nice coffee vol.5


Art-n-Coffee kavárna, Na příkopě 860, Praha 1 (v pasáži ČNB)

Baba turné



Melodio for Michal and other clients – Baba Tour

Participating: Shimona & Friends for Melodio Charity Fund, Jana Rychterová, Petra Horváthová, Melodio clients, and others

Prague, Ostrava, Plzeň, Jihlava

sbor En Arché

2024 / Thursday

from 07:00 PM

Melodio for its clients – Advent Concert

Participating: En Arché choir, Kateřina Morozová, Shimona & Friends for Melodio charity fund

St. Martin in the Wall Church, Martinská 8, Prague 1

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Each note of this singl helps

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Shimona & Jan Vytásek (Czech song “Bridge”)

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Support Melodio, every dime counts.

Donate to the transparent account of the Melodio Foundation with any financial amount and allow someone to start a new phase of their life.

Transparent account: 6346651369/0800 held at Česká spořitelna, a.s. Message for the recipient: Gift for MELODIO.


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